Sierra House Elementary School

Cultivating a Lifelong Joy for Learning
About Us

Sierra House Elementary School is located in South Lake Tahoe, California. Nestled in the Sierra Nevada mountain range and located on the California/Nevada state line, South Lake Tahoe is a resort town where many families depend on seasonal employment in the casinos and ski resorts. The Sierra House team continually assesses our student demographics and works to respond to the demands of our diverse population. We build opportunities within our program that benefit all levels of learners. Our school theme focuses on health, fitness and mountain sports and these areas allow us to take traditional education to a whole new level for every student at our school.

In October of 2022, our enrollment for Kindergarten through fifth grade was 409 students. The Sierra House student population is composed of 45.7% female and 54.3% male students. Demographically, our student population was 43.0% Hispanic, 45.7% Caucasian, 4.4% Filipino, 1.0% Asian, and 4.9% multi-ethnic. Our October 2022 Free and Reduced Meal report estimates that 57% of our students qualified for Free or Reduced Meals. 24.0% of our students were designated as English Learners, 58.2% of the Sierra House population was designated socioeconomically disadvantaged (SES), and 21.3% of our student population accesses special education services. We have 18 general education classes and three Special Day Classes. We provided a blended resource program whenever appropriate.

Sierra House Elementary School is a well maintained, clean and safe campus. Our staff and students pride themselves on keeping our campus clean and safe. Recent upgrades for safety include a new fire alarm system, updated PA system and a new security camera system. Our goal is to continually provide a positive atmosphere for learning to take place. Monthly safety drills, lessons and debrief sessions allow our students and teachers to practice evacuation, shelter in place, duck and cover, and lockdown procedures. Safety drills and expectations are refined at monthly safety committee meetings and discussed at monthly staff meetings. Campus supervision is provided by teachers and classified personnel.

Sierra House Elementary School has several committees that meet regularly to monitor the implementation and success of our academic and behavioral plans. Staff committees include: Sierra House Guiding Coalition, Site Safety Team, Student Study Team, Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports Team. Sierra House values the input of our families and our PTA and Cafecito (ELAC) groups meet regularly to collaborate with parents and involve them in our school.

Sierra House maintains a designated Site Safety Team. Our drills are scheduled on a monthly basis and we invite local emergency response teams to participate in order to maximize student and staff performance as well as familiarize our local responders with our facility and procedures. After every drill we debrief with the local agencies who participated in the drill and our Site Safety Team. When we debrief we discuss the positive outcomes of the drill as well as things we need to work on in the future. We discuss any possible changes that would make sense for our processes and procedures. The school and district communicates with the public through the Aeries Communications phone and email system. Sierra House and LTUSD work in partnership with local, state, and federal law enforcement and fire agencies to ensure a safe, prepared and peaceful school.

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