Lake Tahoe Unified School District
Sierra House Elementary School
Family-School Compact
It is important that families and schools work together to help students achieve high academic standards. Through a process, that includes teachers, families, students and community representatives, the following are agreed-upon roles and responsibilities that we as partners will carry out to support student success in school and in life.
Staff Pledge
I agree to carry out the following responsibilities to the best of my ability:
∙ Teach classes through innovative, interesting, and challenging lessons that promote student achievement toward District and State Standards.
∙ Motivate our students to learn.
∙ Have high expectations and help every child to develop a love of learning.
∙ Provide a warm, safe and caring learning environment.
∙ Provide meaningful homework assignments to reinforce and extend learning.
∙ Committed to Professional Learning Communities goals and objectives.
∙ Support the formation of partnerships with families and the community.
∙ Develop skills in educational technology including: use of SMART Board, Chromebook (Grades 3-12), Aeries and online intervention software.
Student Pledge
I agree to carry out the following responsibilities to the best of my ability:
Attend school 95% of the school year (NO MORE THAN 10 ABSENCES) and will be prepared to learn.
Bring necessary materials, completed assignments and homework.
Know and follow school and class rules.
∙ CoCommunicate regularly with my parents and teachers about school experiences so that they can help me be successful in school.
∙ Limit my TV/computer, device use and video-gaming for entertainment purposes, and instead study or read every day after school.
∙ Respect the school classmates, staff and families.
∙ Be responsible so as to effectively utilize and maintain my Chromebook (Grades 3-12).
∙ Monitor my academic progress and performance (Grades 1-8) in order to prevent retention, as there is a “no social promotion” policy at LTUSD.
Family/Parent Pledge
I agree to carry out the following responsibilities to the best of my ability.
∙ nEnsure that my child attends school 95% of the school year (NO MORE THAN 10 ABSENCES), gets adequate sleep, regular medical attention and proper nutrition.
∙ Provide a balance between academic and extra-curricular involvement.
∙ Provide a quiet time and place for homework and monitor TV viewing.
∙ Read to my child or encourage my child to read every day.
∙ Pa Participate at school in activities such as school decision-making, volunteering and/or attending parent conferences.
∙ Communicate the importance of education and learning to my child.
∙ Respect the school, staff, students and families.
∙ Support education use and care of my child’s Chromebook (Grades 3-12).
∙ Monitor my child’s academic progress and performance (Grades 1-8) in order to prevent retention, as there is a “no social promotion” policy at LTUSD.