The following list explains some of our important rules and regulations. These are in place to keep students safe and support our learning environment on campus. We appreciate your cooperation in adhering to all of these important protocols.
* Change of phone number or address (physical and mailing), must be reported to the front office immediately.
* All visitors must sign in anytime entering the campus.
* NO parking at all in the parking lot, the parking lot is for STAFF ONLY. Please park on the street if you are visiting the campus. Drop
off line is for drop off only. Parents need to stay in the car, if your child can not get out of the car on their own please park on the street and walk them in.
* You need to come and sign your child in if they are more than 10 min late.
* If you need to pick up your child for a Doctor/Dentist/any other appointment, please provide the front office with a note upon their return.
* No pick up 30 minutes prior to the end of the school day.
* Any changes on how students will get home from the school must be made no later than one hour prior to the end of the school day.
* No one is allowed to drive through the parking lot at pick up time looking for a spot. You may only drive through in the pick up line to pick up your child. You must park on the street to walk and get your child.
* There are only a TOTAL of 14 days available for Independent Study throughout the whole school year. After that the absences will be marked unexcused.
* There is a cafeteria microwave limit of 30 seconds. Do not send Cup of Noodles or Macaroni and Cheese with your child for lunch.
Thank you for your support of and cooperation with these protocols.